Thursday, July 31, 2008

Senator Nick Xenophon

I have not always agreed with our newest South Australian Senator. His tactics in the State Parliament often left me shaking my head.

I have been listening and reading what he has to say on the topic of Saving the Murray and commend him totally on his tactics. See the story linked to this heading.

On a day when our Prime Minister has seen his polls as to being out of touch with the community, maybe a letter from a man in the Senate who in traditional Don Chipp fashion may be the boy to "keep the bastards honest", Nick's letter certainly cannot hurt.

Our Prime Minister in less than 12 months has been sprung it seems for lots of talk and not much action. Its much easier on the election hustings than sitting in the chair.

Go for it Nick - seems like you are taking it to the top.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rally for The Murray

On Friday the 1st August in Adelaide on the steps of Parliament House at 11:30am there will be a rally for the Murray. For the first time in my life I am going to attend this demonstration of the right of the peoples voice.

I have not written on this blog for a long time and that is simply because I have become so frustrated with the complete sham that Governments have been foisting on us all.

I have personally been writing articles and lobbying politicians for years now on this topic and all we get is toothless agreements,and meaningless platitudes from politicians whom seem to be taking great delight in watching the pain and suffering of the community and the environment. Yes it will take guts to make the radical changes that will be required, but water for the environment and the economies that were encouraged to utilize the resource must happen now - not in a years time or many years time. Now take control of all allocations and share it out fairly and equitably.

For our Governments to be critical of the global governments and the failure of the world to address climate and environmental issues merely displays the ignorance and hypocrisy with which the Governments of Australia sit idly by overseeing one of the greatest disasters that this nation may ever witness.

So yes I am driven to something I thought i would never do is swell the visible numbers standing in the street demanding and demonstrating that the environmental apathy that has been displayed over many generations must now stop.

Please join the voice of absolute abhorrence at the completely ineffectual efforts that are being directed at this issue. See you in the street.